Give the Gift of Breakfast
United Way Simcoe Muskoka (UWSM)
United Way Simcoe Muskoka (UWSM) provides administrative services for Eat Well to Excel. They are fiscally responsible for all money that is donated via special events, corporate and individual donations or via the efforts of our two Community Development Coordinators). UWSM provides tax receipts for gifts $20 or more, prepares monthly reporting, manages expenses, and prepares cheques for equipment and related supplies for schools out of the EWTE funds that is held in trust. United Way Simcoe Muskoka also participates as a member on the EWTE Community Partnership Committee.
Every Dollar Counts! When making your donation on the United Way Simcoe Muskoka website, be sure to indicate that it is for Eat Well to Excel!
Once you add the amount, you will be asked if you would like to apply your donation to a targeted UWSM program. Click Yes and choose Eat Well to Excel.
Thank you for your help to provide more students with nutritious food choices across Simcoe County!
Have questions about your donation? Contact [email protected]
Note – all efforts are made to ensure transfer of funds to schools happens in a timely manner. United Way Simcoe Muskoka Policy states that funds will be transferred quarterly, however agrees to make every effort to send funds as soon as possible once received.

“When a child’s stomach is empty, everything else is secondary. Before developing a thirst for knowledge and hunger for learning, one must first satisfy the body’s own thirst and hunger.”