About Us

Eat Well to Excel, the Simcoe County Nutrition Program for School-Age Children
Is a non-profit organization that supports volunteer run breakfast, morning meal, lunch and/or snack programs to children and youth, in over 185 schools in Simcoe County, to support their learning and healthy development.
Currently, more than 500 volunteers prepare and serve nutritious meals to over 70,000 children daily in Simcoe County.
There are many reasons why kids participate in nutrition programs, including:
- They take the school bus and don’t have time to eat breakfast
- Fresh fruit and veggies aren’t available at home on a regular basis
- They like the social aspects of eating breakfast with their friends
- Family finances are tight
No matter the reason, the program aims to support children and youth to be ready to learn. Participation in student nutrition programs is associated with positive educational outcomes including improved academic performance, reduced tardiness and improved student behaviour (Muthuswamy, E. 2012. “Feeding Our Future: The First- and Second-Year Evaluation.” Toronto District School Board).
Community Partnership Committee members
- Jody Dawson, Registered Dietitian, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, Eat Well To Excel Chairperson
- Nicole Hawke, Community Development Coordinator, Simcoe North
- Karen Martin, Community Development Coordinator, Simcoe South
- Kerry Butler, United Way Simcoe Muskoka
- Shannon Kelly, Program Coordinator, Food Safety, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit
- Melody Northrop, Principal, Simcoe County District School Board
- Karen Penrose, Principal, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
- Greg Jacobs, Superintendent, Simcoe County District School Board
- Lonnie Bolton, Superintendent, Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
- Chris Peacock, Executive Director, The Sharing Place Food Centre
- Nancy Hannah, Supervisor, Programs Coordinator, The Sharing Place Food Centre
- Erin Chapelle, The Karma Project, volunteer
- Melissa Wilson, Parent Involvement Committee (PIC), SCDSB
- Shannon Murray, Parent Involvement Committee (PIC), SCDSB
We are always looking for more volunteers and partners to join our committee. If you have any interest, please contact us at [email protected].

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